Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Habit: Pinterest

Habits and addictions? Same thing or different things?  Many people would think that habits can turn into an addiction, whether it be a harmful addiction or not.  In order to evaluate habits and addictions, I have been challenged to give up a certain habit of mine.  Through looking at different tasks I tend to do on a daily basis I decided to either give up sweets, social media (specifically pinterest) or napping.  After closely observing my habits I decided that it would be best to try to work on my habit of going onto pinterest.  Pinterest is a social media website where you can create different pin boards and "pin" to them different things like fashion, recipes, crafts, etc.  I tend to get on the website at least two or three times a day and spend a decent amount of time on the website.  This act usually occurs when I am trying to avoid studying or working on papers or other class work.  By giving up pinterest I would be able to have more time to devote to my studying and do even better in my classes.  I am going to try to avoid pinterest by trying to stay off of my computer unless I am using it for school related purposes.  By doing this I will not be tempted to just log onto the website whenever I want.  I am planning on telling my roommates of my plan to break my habit so that if they see me on my computer they can help me to make sure I do not get on pinterest.  I am very determined in giving up my habit of pinterest so that I can become an even better student and raise my gpa even higher.

February 7th

     So far this week I have made slight progress on trying to stay off of pinterest.  Overall, I probably have only logged onto pinterest about three or four times.  Compared to when I use to get on it for different periods of time everyday thats a pretty good improvement.  As I said in my original post I tried to stay off of my computer as much as possible when I did not need it for academic purposes so that I would not be tempted to get on the site.  I also contribute my ability to not getting on the website to being so busy lately.  The amount of work I have and my field placements for my major have started to pick up a lot so being more busy with class work doesn't allow me to get on my computer for recreational uses as much.  For next week I am thinking that I need to delete the pinterest app off of my itouch so that there are less resources and temptations for me to get onto the site.  So far I am doing pretty good at staying off pinterest and hopefully it continues to progress that way.

February 15th

This week was not as productive as last in staying off of pinterest.  I did not have as busy as a week this week as last so in my free time I got on pinterest a lot more.  This week I probably got on the website about six or seven times, so almost everyday.  The amount of time I spent on the site was more limited though because I had deleted the app from my itouch.  Deleting the app off my itouch has helped a bit, but now I need to start trying to stay off my computer when I'm not doing purposeful things.   I am thinking to continue my progress I need to use the help of my roommates to make sure that I am not getting on the website. This week was a bit of a downfall but I'm still determined to continue the progress that I had last week.

February 22nd

This week has been much better then last week. The beginning of the week I got onto to pinterest a decent amount but by the middle of the week I wasn't getting on it at all. From this experiment to try to stop getting on pinterest I have realized that times when I do not have a busy schedule I do get on pinterest a good amount, but once my schedule starts to become very busy I tend to stay away from the site.  In weeks to come I feel as though staying busy as much as I can will help to keep me from getting on to the site. I think sticking to the same plan that I've had since the beginning and the changes I added to it last week will help to keep up my progress.

February 28th

This week I was very good at staying off of pinterest.  I think I only got onto the site once and not for a very long time.  The semester has become very busy so that is definitely helping me stay off the site.  I am slightly worried as to how next week will go though since it is spring break.  I will have a lot more free time and probably be more tempted to get onto pinterest.  So I am trying to think of ways to stay strong and away from the site.

March 24th

Lately I have been pretty bad at staying away from pinterest.  I would say that I am in the relapse phase.  I haven't gotten on the site very much the past few weeks but when I do get on I spend a decent amount of time on the webiste.  I think because I haven't been on in so long that when I do get on it I feel like I can spend even more time on it.  I think I need to come up with new ways as to stay off of pinterest.  I will have to contemplate that this week and see what ideas I come up with.

March 31st
This week has been very good at staying away from pinterest.  Due to easter break I believe I was able to easily stay away from the site.  Being at home keeps me very busy and so I do not have time to get on the site.  I also think that the next few weeks I will be pretty good at staying off pinterest because of how busy my schedule will be.  With the end of the semester coming up there are tons of final projects and presentations to do and so I need to stay off the site in order to complete all my work on time.

April 15th
This week I have done an awesome job at staying away from pinterest.  I can attribute that success to my very busy schedule.  With the semester coming to an end soon I have tons of papers and projects due in all my classes so I haven't had a chance to get on any social media in the past week.  Even though I have been super busy I have caught myself wishing that I could be on pinterest instead of doing my school work.  I have come a very long way though so far in how much I get on the site as I did before the start of this semester.

April 21st
I think that  I have finally overcoming my wanting to get onto pinterest whenever I'm bored or don't want to do my assignments.  This past week I got on the site probably once or twice but I have begin to notice that I don't automatically think of getting on pinterest when I am bored.  I would say that is a very good thing to of occurred being that I would always get on the site when I was bored.  Doing this assignment all semester has definitely helped to limit my habit of pinterest.

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